The A To Z Of SFF: A Is For Anno Dracula

Kim Newman’s Anno Dracula books are wild, freewheeling takes on alternative history that that gleefully mash together fictional and historical figures to tell the story of a word where Dracula is real. A meta-fictional treat for anyone that likes their pulp. Rob and Clive certainly do…

The A To Z Of SFF: S Is For The Stone Tape


Onwards with Spooky SFF month, as we discuss a massively influential slice of hauntological freakiness: Nigel Kneale’s terrifying The Stone Tape.

It ticks all the boxes: 70s setting, shot on video, Radiophonic Workshop soundtrack. A sharply empathetic performance from Jane Asher helps to elevate this story, but the whole thing is deeply unnerving and still bloody scary.
This is what happens when you try to solve the science behind hauntings…

Includes the first instance of a new term from Rob: cathode-punk.

GUYSGUYSGUYS! The Stone Tape is on Cosmic VideyouTube! Dim the lights, pour yourself a scotch and indulge.

The A To Z Of SFF: L Is For Lifeforce

It’s October, which means Curiosity is skewing spooky. This month our over-excitable alien chum is feeding Rob and Clive titles with an extra layer of creepyplasma.
We start with Tobe Hooper’s Lifeforce–a deranged slice of Quatermass-style oddness with added nudity, exploding corpses and weapons-grade scenery-chewing. This one has to be seen to be believed, and even then you won’t believe what you’re seeing.

The Best Western You Haven’t Seen

Consider the western. Once, it was the staple diet for cinema-goers everywhere. Cheap and easy to make, the average horse opera was appropriate for all ages, for every type of audience. It was sturdy, uncomplicated fare, with a clear moral message. From Tom Mix, through to Gene Autry and the daddy of them all, John Wayne, there was little confusion, no grey area. Westerns were a genre that hearkened back to simpler times, to a world before global conflict and uncomfortable discussions about race. Continue reading The Best Western You Haven’t Seen

The A To Z Of SFF: A Is For Army Of Darkness

Time travel, skeleton warriors, heroic fantasy tropes upended and shaken till the lint drops out of their pockets… of course the film also known as Evil Dead 3 fits into our bailiwick!
Join Rob, Clive and CycloMedia as they tease out what makes Army Of Darkness such a great movie for Halloween. Because when you’re travelling the universe at trans-luminal speeds, it’s always October 31st somewhere…


The A To Z Of SFF: A Is For Alligator

Who doesn’t love a giant monster movie? Rob and Clive certainly do. Factor in a storming script from the mighty John Sayles, sturdy direction from Lewis Teague and a 36 foot long alligator called Ramon, and you know you’re in for a treat.

This one’s got bite.

Lookee! The whole thing’s on the galactic hyperTube!

The A To Z Of SFF: A Is For American Gothic

People have a lot of fond memories of the cult dark fantasy, starring Gary Cole as the demonic sheriff of a small South Carolina town. Does it deserve its reputation? Rob and Clive take another look at the strange tale of the people of Trinity, SC.

There’s somebody at the door…


The Devil’s Dozen – Clive’s Top 13 Frightfest 2015 movies

Clive has done the blog proud this year, with a rundown of his top shocks from the 2015 Frightfest lineup. If you didn't make it, then here's your crib sheet for the best of the worst coming to the discerning horror fan over the next few months!
Continue reading The Devil’s Dozen – Clive’s Top 13 Frightfest 2015 movies


Alien. The movie that redefined SF horror and made the names of Sigourney Weaver and Ridley Scott. Is there anything more to say about this stone classic? Well, CycloMedia thinks there is, and it’s down to Rob and Clive to sort it out.


A wide-ranging SF subject, of course, but here CycloMedia has pointed us at the obscure New World movie from 1982, starring Klaus Kinski as a space Frankenstein.

It’s life, Max, but not as we know it…


and if you want to know more, what better than a peek at the film itself? Don’t say we never give you anything!